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Reserva Pontal do Jaburu


Radiopharmaceuticals are drugs marked with radioactive materials called radioisotopes. They are used in the field of nuclear medicine for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Currently, nuclear medicine uses an important imaging diagnostic tool: PET / CT (Positron emission tomography), a sophisticated method for patients with neurological, cardiac and oncological diseases.

FDG-18F Villas Boas

For the production of radioisotopes of short half life, Villas Boas uses a particle accelerator of the cyclotron type.


Compact and self-shielding, the Cyclotron HP Siemens / CTI Eclipse installed in our units is the state-of-the-art of short-lived radioisotope production.


This operation is meticulously orchestrated with all the teams so that the manufacturing process is successful.

Ciclotron - Manutencao

To guarantee the quality of the product, our radiopharmacy works according to the principles of Good Manufacturing Practices recommended by ANVISA throughout the production process.


A team of qualified and experienced pharmacists works with rigorous quality controls using physical, chemical, radionuclide, radiochemical and biological domain assays.




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Villas Boas Group

Get to know a little about Villas Boas Group.

Unidade Brasília: SHLS Qd. 716 Cj. N Bl. D Brasília, DF - CEP 70390-700

Telefone: +55 61 2191 5070 (SAC)

Unidade Fortaleza: Rua Valdemar Pereira de Queiroz - 185, Coaçu, Eusébio, CE - CEP 61760-000 
Telefone: +55 85 3064 2999

Telefone geral: +55 61 99984 6844 de segunda à sexta de 08:00 às 12:00 e de 14:00 às 18:00 (Whatsapp) 


© 2024 por Villas Boas Radiofármacos Brasil S.A.

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